Saturday, January 30, 2021

Python | Tutorial: Temperature Advection

Introduction: Temperature advection is a useful field for meteorologists and weather forecasters since it is an easy way to diagnose the dynamic state of the atmosphere.  Plotted on a map, it is particularly useful for identifying frontal boundaries.  In this blog...

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Quick Note about the future of GrADSaholic

 Quick Note:Since I started this blog in 2013 (mostly out of the monotony of post grad-school unemployment), I've been consistently surprised at just how much engagement it's gotten from the community.  Even now, after several years of relative inactivity, this blog still has a consistent following and seems to serve a useful educational...

Python | Tutorial: Blue and Black Marble Aurora Figure using Background images and Day/Night Delimiter

Introduction One of the strengths of Python, and specifically Cartopy, is that it's pretty easy to combine many different datasets with varying geographic coordinates onto a single map.  In this tutorial, I'll combine background "Blue and Black" marble images from NASA...

Python | Tutorial: Intro to Cartopy

Introduction: There are currently two main Python libraries for plotting geographic data on map: Cartopy and Basemap.  New users should use the Cartopy since support Cartopy will replace Basemap and support for Basemap is expected to wrap up in 2020.  Therefore, this...